I am Vug
Hello, my name is Tanakorn Prangsriarun, but you can call me Vug. I am a Fullstack Software Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Kasetsart University Bangkhen. I know my stuff when it comes to programming languages. And when I'm not coding, I'm either exploring a new city or trying to debug my travel plans. Because let's face it, coding errors are bad, but missed flights are worse!. Let's collaborate and make some software dreams a reality!
High School at Ammartpanichnukul Krabi
Start studying in Computer Engineering at Kasetsart University
Internship at Playtorium Solutions Company Limited as Software Engineer Intern.
Finish bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering
Outsource Full Stack Developer to Cleverse
2022 - Present
Software Developer at Playtorium Solutions Company Limited
2023 - Present
Outsource Software Developer at Thailand Stock Exchange (SET)
Opgrade is my senior project that serves as an optical exam grading system. It works by allowing users to take photos of exam papers using their mobile phones, and then import them directly into a back-office web application using recording devices. Additionally, Opgrade provides a class management system and visualizes students' scores. The web application interface is built using React, while the mobile application interface is built using React Native. The back-end uses Python Flask and Firebase Admin, and the image processing is done using OpenCV.
Web Application which is a tool for developer that provides speech to code feature, using React as the Front-end and Python Flask, Firebase Admin and Dialogflow as the Back-end. I was responsible for Front-end part.
The examination and querying system which provides Kasetsart University students and teachers exam information, using React as Front-end and Python Flask and PostgreSQL as Back-end. I was responsible for Front-end part.
FitMe, KU Startup Camp3 winner project, is a web application that helps users find personal trainer by searching from selected area. Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript as prototype.